Rational use of drugs is essential for achieving better possible health outcomes in medical care. Assessment of World Health Organization (WHO) drug use indicators and drug utilization pattern will give status of appropriateness of drug usage which will helpful to make intervention that improves rational drug use. The study aims to assess drug use indicators and drug utilization pattern in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department where there is gap to improve quality of drug use. This is a prospective observational study which was conducted in a secondary care referral Hospital of Anantapur District for a period of one year from October 2015 to September 2016.A total of 384 subjects were screened to measure WHO core drug use indicators like prescribing, patient care and health facility indicators. A suitable data collection form was used analyze drug utilization pattern and to assess USFDA Pregnancy drug risk category. Descriptive statistics like mean, frequency and proportion were applied to formulate results. In Total 384 prescriptions, average number of drugs prescribed per encounter are (3.5), Percentage of antibiotics prescribed are (24%), injections (4.6%), in generic name (64.1%) and from EDL of India (66.5%). Average consultation time and dispensing time was found as 3.8 and 2.5 minutes. 98.9% of prescription encounters are adequately labeled. Patients knowledge of correct dosage was found to be (98.4%). Most of the results are met the criteria of WHO standards. Most of the drugs used during pregnancy were Category A (78.0%) were highly safe. The major classes of drugs used are nutritional supplements like vitamins (13.5%), minerals (11.6%) fallowed by antibiotics (17.9%). The study concludes that WHO core drug use indicators like Prescribing indicators, patient care indicators and health facility indicators as per standards in Obstetrics and gynecology department of secondary care referral hospital