To assess the medication adherence in diabetic nephropathy patients and to evaluate whether a pharmacist intervention improves medication adherence in patients and also to identify the drug-drug interaction between antidiabetic drugs & drugs for the nephropathic treatment. The prospective study was conducted over a period of 6 months in the department of Nephrology. A total of 150 diabetic nephropathic patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited in the study. Adherence to treatment has been assessed during a personal interview with each patient using questionnaire. Medicaton adherence was assessed by using Morisky medication adherence scale (MMAS). There was more male diabetic nephropathy patients enrolled in the study. The Incidence was high in age group between 60-65(21.3%). The majority of the population have only school level education (55.33%). The major co morbidity associated with diabetes was found to be hypertension. The majority of patients has been diagnosed with the disease and taking antidiabetic drugs for a period of 11-15 years (36.66%). There was marked improvement in the medication adherence of the patients after the intervention done by the pharmacist. This study revealed that an effective diabetic education could improve the knowledge and medication adherence in the patients so they can realize the full benefits of prescribed therapies.