The purpose of this study is to evaluate the drug utilization in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss attending IP department in a tertiary care hospital. A descriptive study was conducted in 80 patients with recurrent pregnancy loss admitted in the hospital. Out of 80, 62% were in their first trimester and most of them were in between the age 20-24 (36%). In this study most of the patients belonged to 4th gravidae (34%).Majority of them were nulliparous (42%).Of the study population, most of the patients (84%), had suffered three recurrent pregnancy losses. And majority of the losses occurred in the early trimesters of their pregnancies. Most of the patients (62.5%) had no previous live births i.e., they belonged to the primary recurrent pregnancy loss group. Previous Intrauterine death occurred in 11.25% of the study population and 2.5% of the patients had 2 previous Neonatal deaths. The most common co morbidity observed in the study population was pregnancy induced hypertension and majority (37.5%) of them were managed with the antihypertensives, Methydopa and Nifedipine.