Plan- To study practices followed for management of DPN (Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy), along with assessment of severity of DPN & medication adherence among DPN patients and role of clinical pharmacist in DPN management. Preface- Diabetic Neuropathy is a frequent complication of diabetes and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Age, duration of diabetes and poor glycemic control are the major risk factors for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Clinical Pharmacists play an important role in explaining in detail about the disease condition to the respective patients and mollify their fears. Methodology- An observational cross sectional survey was conducted on 120 DPN patients of both genders admitted in The Oxford Medical College Hospital and Research Centre of Attibelle Bangalore during the period from November 2017 to January 2017. Maximum respondents were aged between 61-70 years (30%). Toronto clinical scoring system (TCSS) observed the DPN severity & Modified Medication Adherence rating Scale (MMARS) questionnaire assessed patient’s medication adherence. Outcome- GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) analogues were the most frequently used therapeutic drug category. Our study concludes that factors like medication adherence, history of type 2 DM (Diabetes Mellitus) and high blood sugar levels directly affect DPN condition. Patient counseling by the clinical pharmacist focusing on the need for maintaining glycemic control, the importance of medication adherence played a vital role in imparting disease awareness information among patients.