Selective alpha 1- adrenergic antagonists are considered as the first- line drugs in the management of BPH. The aim of this study is to analyze the efficacy of silodosin in the management of BPH. A total of 46 male BPH patients, aged above 50 years, were included in the study and International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), Quality of Life of Patient (QOL) and Uroflowmetric parameters were analyzed. The subjects were received silodosin 8 mg once daily dose for a period of 4 weeks. The primary outcome of this study was the measure of reduction in IPSS after 48 hours and the final follow up were performed at the end of 4 weeks. The results of the study reflected that the IPSS and QOL at the end of 4 weeks was significantly improved from the outset, the uroflowmetric parameters were progressed and there was no significant changes in prostate size. It is concluded that the silodosin is efficient in the treatment of BPH. However, its impact on sexual function and retrograde ejaculation may be bothersome for sexually active patients.