SJS is a relatively uncommon but potentially life-threatening cutaneous reaction that is most often drug-induced. Topiramate is an oral anticonvulsant, weak carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. A serious dermatologic side effect of topiramate is SJS observed in this case and very few cases has been published in the literature, other severe cutaneous reactions, exfoliative dermatitis have been well documented with topiramate use. This case report describes topiramate- induced SJS in a 24-year-old female patient from India. The patient came to the hospital with a complained of fever (101°F) of moderate grade with a burning sensation in the throat, swelling of both eyelids, erythematous rash on face, trunk and other parts of the body. The medical history revealed that she was apparently normal until one month ago, then she developed a headache since one-month duration, diagnosed as migraine and treated with topiramate (25 mg) and naproxen (500 mg) tablets. It was suspected one of the iatrogenic type-SJS might be induced by topiramate and was discontinued. After discontinuing topiramate, supportive care and treatment for SJS minimizing the skin lesion and gradually improve the clinical condition. The Naranjo adverse drug reaction causality assessment scale, obtained a score of 6, was calculated indicating that Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) was probably associated with the use of topiramate.