This study assesses the impact of pharmaceutical care on health related quality of life, knowledge and adherence in patients. This was a randomised control study with an eight months follow up. Participants were randomised into two groups 1) Interventional Group (IG) 2) Usual Care Group (USG). The patients in the IG got physician care plus pharmaceutical care whereas the USG got the usual physician care. The recruited patients fulfilled the following inclusion criteria: aged above 18 years diagnosed with depression and under treatment with antidepressants. A co-researcher blinded to the group allocations collected the entire data required for the study. 60 patients who met the inclusion criteria were recruited into the study and were randomised into IG (n=30) and UCG (n=30). After 8 months, patients in the interventional group had significantly more favourable medication adherence and knowledge on depression & antidepressants which evidently impacted on their disease severity and health related quality of life. The increased medication adherence and knowledge resulted in a decrease in disease severity and improved Health related quality of life. Our study findings highlighted the importance of the role pharmacists can play in providing patient care and will help the clinical pharmacists in India to get themselves trained to help patients with depression and thereby increase the patient’s Health related QOL and decrease disease severity