The complications of hypertension can be considered either hypertensive or atherosclerotic. Although the extent of damage often correlates with the level of blood pressure, it is not always the case. Blood pressure and organ impairment should be evaluated separately. The lack of compliance with antihypertensive treatment has been attributed to factors which are grouped into 5 categories: patient related, condition related, therapy related, health system related and socioeconomic factors. Potential reasons for poor medication taking behaviour, particularly during antihypertensive therapy, are cost of medication and related care, unclear instructions, failure of physician to increase or change therapy to achieve blood pressure goals, inadequate or no patient education, lack of involvement of patient in treatment plan and some therapy related factors like side effects of medication and complexity of dosing regimen. Beta blockers were most prescribed class of antihypertensives for hypertensive patients in monotherapy. In dual therapy beta blockers and ARB’s was the most prescribed combination. In our study we observed that 65.9% of patients were highly adhered to their medications and only 15.9% patients were poorly adhered in their first visit. In the fourth visit 77.2% patients were highly adhered to their medications and poor adherence was lowered to 9.8%. The average cost imposed on patient for antihypertensive treatment per visit according to our study was Rs.1580 which includes both direct and indirect costs.