Renal Calculi is the condition in which there is formation of stone in any anatomical region of kidney.The aim of this study is to evaluate the etiological aspects and dietary patterns in the Renal Calculi patients. The study was conducted in Karuna Medical College Hospital Chittur, Palakkad. 103 cases satisfying the inclusion criteria were taken from patients attending the Medicine, Surgery, Urology ward and Casualty due to any type of Renal Calculi over a duration of 6 months. Specially designed data entry form was used to collect data related to the patient’s demographics, medical history, medication history, laboratory values, social habits were also recorded. The study comparing the gender wise prevalence reveals that there is a higher frequency of renal stones in males 66.99% (n=103) than in females 33% (n=103). It also indicates that renal stones are frequently seen in the age group 30-39, comprising of 40% of the total study population. The dietary pattern of patients enrolled in the study, which designate that the population taking mixed diet shows 82.5% (n=103) compared with that of salt and sugar restricted diet. 54.3% out of 103 patients were chronic smokers and 13.9% out of 103 patients were alcoholic contributing as the most common etiological factor of renal calculi.