Prescribing medications during pregnancy is complex task and takes many factors into account. The main factor which needs to be taken into account are the physiological changes which are associated during pregnancy, their effect on drug’s pharmacology and the impact of these drugs on the benefits and risks in treatment of mother and the growing foetus. This situation becomes even more important and complicated when pregnancy is associated with comorbid conditions. METHODOLOGY: A Prospective Observational study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Malla Reddy College of Pharmacy from November 2019 to April 2020. Approximately 350 patients are to be considered from the department of OBG who were pregnant and diagnosed with medical complications (Thyroid dysfunction, Hypertension and Diabetes). The data collected in the case collection form was then analysed using Ms-Excel and statistical interpretation was done to decipher the objective analysis. RESULTS: The findings suggest that most of the patients have gestational diabetes (n=138), followed by those with hypothyroidism (n=121), then gestational hypertension (n=91). The percentage of drugs ordered from essential drug list was reported as 59.56%, percentage of antibiotics prescribed accounted for 22.13%, percentage of drugs prescribed from hospital drug list accounted for 21%, drugs ordered by generic name were less and accounted for 21%. The average number of drugs per prescription accounted to 4.97% and the antibiotics prescribed accounted to 8.79%. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that mineral and vitamin supplements are the most prescribed drugs in pregnancy. It can also be observed that the medications relating to comorbid conditions are adjusted as per the diagnostic parameters. It is also identified that although prescribing tendency by usage of generic names is less, prescribing drugs from essential drug list is more. Also, usage of injections and antibiotics is less in line with the National drug policy to promote rational drug therapy. The most important recommendation is the usage of more category A drugs and avoidance of self-medication