Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the major contributing factors to the increasing burden of infertility. The best way to control PCOS is to educate the people about the risk factors and to be counseled on appropriate life style modifications needed to help reduce the symptoms and to prevent it. The objectives of the study was to assess the effectiveness of video assisted patient counseling on the management of PCOS, to assess the knowledge of patients regarding PCOS and to assess the risk factors of PCOS among the patients. The study was a prospective interventional study which was carried out for 6 months. Patient’s demographic details like name, age, sex and medical history and social history was recorded in a pre-designed data entry form. They were allocated into intervention group and control group. The patients’ knowledge regarding PCOS and self-reported practices were assessed by structured interview questionnaire before and after patient counseling, where patient counseling was given only to interventional group and not to control group. The patient counseling was provided using video. The Statistical software namely SPSS 23 was used for the analysis of the data. We observed that out of 100 patients, maximum number of patients belongs to the age group of 21 - 30 years that is 52%. The pre-counseling knowledge and self-reported practice of patients regarding the disease PCOS and its lifestyle modifications were assessed and the scores obtained revealed that 62% patients in the intervention group and 50% control group had poor scores. Whereas the post counseling scores shown that 58% in intervention group and 16% in control group had good score of knowledge of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which shows that the video assisted patient counseling has a great impact on quality of life of patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This study concludes thatthe education has a major role in improving the healthcare outcomes. The counseling using video generated better outcomes and video can be used as an effective patient counseling tool. It was found that young adults are at high risk of getting PCOS. Poor knowledge and practice can lead to worsening the health condition in time being and resulting in severe complications. So there is a need of intense educational intervention for the patients