Triticum aestivum is a perennial plant belongs to the family polygonaceae. This is widely grown in ponds, river banks, and in water logged area. The species of Triticum aestivum are mostly found in india. It is also called as common marsh buckwheat or dense flower knotweed or neeru kanagilu. It has many local names and the use of this plants may depend on regional distribution. In india, the leaves of this plant are used to treat colic pain, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory purpose. Even this plant stem is used for the treatment of rheumatism and while the extract of herbal juice with other ingredients are used to treat pneumonia. The above observations have shown that the methanolic extracts of the root stocks of Triticum aestivum showed maximum antihepatotoxic activity, which should be related to the methanol soluble active principles like flavones, diterpene and polyphenols. The activity of the tested samples was comparable to that of standard drug silymarin.