Post-stroke infections are the most common medical complications of stroke and can occur in up to 65% of patients. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of post-stroke infection and to identify the most frequently occurring infection in stroke patients. Methods: This prospective observational study was done with a total of 74 patients who presented with stroke or recurrent stroke during a 6-month period. Infections in stroke patients were identified using laboratory tests include blood cultures, urine cultures and sputum cultures. Results: Stroke was common in elderly patients, especially between the age group of 70-79 years (32.43%). The most common comorbidity in stroke patients are diabetes and hypertension. The Post-stroke infection occurred in 25 (33.8%) patients. UTI was present in 20 (27.1%) patients, followed by pneumonia in 3 (4.1%) patients.Conclusion: Infection is a frequent post-stroke complication and the most common infection that occurred in stroke was UTI