The drug information centre provides authenticate, unbiased drug information to healthcare professionals; provide counselling and drug information to patients / consumers as well as monitor and document adverse drug reactions. The service should include collecting, reviewing, evaluating, indexing and distributing information on drugs to health workers. This allows access to clinical experience, research facilities and educational activities for the PHARM D students. The main objective of our study is to evaluate the various drug information queries received and to assess the quality of services provided by the drug information centre of the Pharmacy Practice department of Padmavathi College of Pharmacy, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu. Assessment and evaluation of drug information services were carried out in Government District Head Quarters Hospital (GDHQH), Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu. It is a hospital which is comprised more than 544 beds. A total of 1980 drug information queries were collected during the study period from January 2016 to March 2019 .Out of 1980, only 1280 queries were included in this study. A great number of queries were from General medicine department (34%). Most of the queries were received during ward round participation (62%). Our study suggests that increase awareness about such a facility to the health care professionals.