Diabetic mellitus is a known risk factor for certain infectious diseases of the elderly age such as skin, mucus membrane, soft tissue,urinarytract,respiratory tract and surgical or hospital associated infections. Our study was aimed to evaluate the prescribing pattern of antibiotics in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Methodology: It was a prospective observational study which was conducted in patients in department of General medicine and Department of Surgery at Karuna Medical College Hospital, Palakkad on duration of October 2021 to March 2022(6months). Result: A total of 104 DM patients were enrolled in this study. Female patients constitute the greatest number of cases than males. The most frequent type of infection are respiratory tract infections in patients with Type II DM (30.47%). Conclusion: This study showed that patients with Type II DM are at increased risk of common infections. Respiratory tract infections are the most commonly seen in maximum number of patients and toprovide health education and promotion to control glycemia, long term care and maintenance of normal health to prevent complications arising from these infections