There was empirical evidence that red ginger (Zingiber officinalle Roscoe) was an effective antibacterial agent. The goal of this research was to create an anti-acne lotion with red ginger essential oil and assess its antibacterial property against Propioni bacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Red ginger essential oils were extracted and distilled from 10000g of ginger. The creams were made using red ginger essential oils in different concentration, notably 2.3 percent, 4 percent, and 7.2 percent.Properties such as organoleptic quality, homogeneity, pH and viscosity were assessed. Using the disk-diffusion method, antibacterial activity was tested. Inhibition of acne and epidermidis showed the strongest activity at 7.3% concentrations (inhibition zone 11.9mm). Red ginger essential oil contained 7.3% in anti-acne lotion controlled acneinducing bacteria effectively and satisfied standard requirements