The drug information centres provides authenticate, unbiased drug information to healthcare professionals; provide tailor-made counselling and drug information to patients / consumers as well as monitor and document adverse drug reactions. The main objective of our study is to evaluate the various drug information queries received and to assess the quality of services provided by the drug information centre of the pharmacy practice department. Assessment and evaluation of drug information services was carried out in MGMH (Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital), Warangal, Andhra Pradesh is an 1200 bedded super speciality hospitals attached with Kakatiya Medical College. The retro prospective study a period of three years. Drug information services can be accessed by telephone, internet, direct access and also during ward rounds. Drug information request forms and documentation forms prepared by the department are utilized to document. A total of 188 drug information queries during the study period of January 2009 to December 2011. A great number of queries were from the medicine department (40%). Most queries were received during ward rounds (44%). Our article suggests that the quality of the services provided by the centre was needed to improve. Documentation of all inquiries is mandatory for analysis, evaluation, comparative purposes, and quality assurance. In future, more advertisement is needed to encourage people to use the services provided by Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy (VCOP).