Ultrasonic micro bubbles are the specialized micro spheres containing gas filled contrast agents used for both diagnosis and curative purpose. In general, this is meant for the diagnosis of tumor, cardiac diseases and also in gene therapy. Mainly the ultrasonic micro bubble consists of shell is made up of polymers and gas core which is loaded with drug and heavy gases. In order to float on blood stream, micro bubbles are containing gas core and surfactants necessarily. More over these micro bubbles are having size less than RBC’s in such a way that micro bubbles can able to diffuses even into the small capillaries and tissues. Ultrasonic micro bubbles are administrated through I.V route as I.V bolus. After administration it reaches the site of impairment and anchoring on the surface of effected organ. Then after with the help of ultrasonographic instrument which containing ultrasonic fields, from these instrument ultrasonic waves are getting release and break the micro bubbles and drug comes out. These all are coordinated by reticulo endothelial systems which monitor the drug to reach the exact site of action.