North American studies have shown that hypertension is a major contributor to 500 000 strokes (250 000 deaths) and 1 000 000 myocardial infarctions (500 000 deaths) per annum. This study revealed the risk factor associated with cardiovascular disease and significant cause of morbidity and mortality due to increase blood pressure. The report from National Health and National Educational Survey to examine awareness and pharmacologic treatment of uncontrolled hypertension among adults with special emphasis on three groups which includes. Persons unaware of their hypertension , Persons who are aware but not treated with medication. Persons who are aware and pharmacologically treated with medication but still have uncontrolled. The objective of present work is to create the awareness for hypertension and its therapy. The World Health Statistics 2012 report of Geneva reveals that in 20 years duration from 1990-2010 the number of deaths has declined to 47% i.e. from 540000 Million Deaths to 290000 Million Deaths respectively. As per 2004 British Hypertension Society guidelines the ABCD rules is used to regulate the choice of drug therapy for patient with hypertension. With the above therapy guidelines and organizing awareness programs viz. Marathons, flash mobs etc. We can significantly reduce the hypertension associated mortality cases.