Cancer is currently the cause of 12% of all deaths worldwide. The aim of our study is to perform epidemiologic research such as case control studies on cancer patients. The study is conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital (MGMH) which is a 1200 bedded multidisciplinary tertiary care government hospital in Andhra Pradesh. On an average 250 patients attend this hospital daily. Over 10-15 patients attend the hospital for radiation treatment on daily basis. The study has been done by collecting the data for the time period of 5 years from Jan 2006 – June 2010 from MRD (Medical Record Department) of the hospital. Total number of patients (Malignant & Non-Malignant) registered during the years Jan 2006 – June 2010 were 1571 with male-49.53% female-50.47% in the ratio of 1:1.005. The most prevalence aged for males is 60-70 years with 25.85% of patients and for females is 40-50 years with 21.32% of patients. The most common cancers found in males were oral, blood, throat and lung cancers while among females breast, blood and cervical cancer, were common. The incidence of cancers is rising and also more common among rural women. Our article concludes that there is rising incidence of breast cancer in females and oral cancer in males in Indian population. In future, developing should initiate cancer awareness programmes on early detection of cancers in the community.