Prolotherapy is a technique which is used in olden days to heal wounds. The use of prolotherapy is increasing in clinical practice. It involves the injection of irritant solution. There are different kinds of irritant solutions available. The main objective of this study is to assess whether dextrose prolotherapy improves the condition in osteoarthritic patients and to implement a successful simple cost effective treatment for osteoarthritis and to investigate patient outcomes. The injection is given into the joints which causes the body to heal itself through the process of inflammation and repair. A total of 125 patients were participated in this study, out of which 102 only included in the study. Patient data was collected by using a well defined questionnaire. All the 102 patients were given with 25% dextrose intra articularly, then follow up was conducted for every patient for about 6 months. This study concludes that the severity of pain, disability is reduced with this treatment. Movement of the joint is also improved.