Aim to study the variant plantaris muscle. 100 lower limbs of 50 donated embalmed cadavers (45 males & 5 females) of age group ranging from 70 to 80 years were dissected in the department of Anatomy at K.J.Somaiya Medical College, Sion, Mumbai, INDIA. The variant plantaris muscle was observed in 2 specimens. The neurovascular pattern in the leg was also observed. The photographs of the variation of the plantaris muscle were taken for proper documentation. The two separate heads of plantaris muscle were observed in 2 specimens. Both the heads of the plantaris muscle were composed of a thick muscle belly and a long thin tendon. One head of the plantaris muscle originated from the lower part of the lateral supracondylar line of the femur superior to the origin of the lateral head of gastrocnemius while the other head of the plantaris muscle originated from the oblique popliteal ligament. The tendons of both the heads of the plantaris muscle ran downwards inferomedially posterior to the knee joint. Both the tendons united to form common tendon and ran along the medial side of the tendo calcaneus. The common tendon of both the heads of the plantaris muscle got inserted separately into the medial side of the calcaneus bone. The presence of double plantaris muscle as seen in the present case may be of academic interest as the standard text book of anatomy mentions less about this fact. It may also be of surgical interest to surgeons and clinical interest to clinicians diagnosing muscle tears in the leg. The existence double plantaris muscle is an interesting finding, which could be important for anatomists, anthropologists, surgeons and orthopedic surgeons.