Present study was undertaken to understand the treatment outcome of AED’s observed in neurology unit of a teaching hospital. To study the choice of AED’s in the treatment of Epileptic seizures & evaluate the patient’s knowledge on first aid. To identify the various precipitating factors & emotional symptoms, To assess the side effects caused by the drugs, To know about the choice of AED’s in treatment of Epileptic seizures. Method includes data from the patient data collection form & drug profile to understand the indications for AED’s use with respect to reoccurrence & outcome measures were analyzed. Management strategies employed for the treatment plan of AED’s as in a reasonable dose, single or two drug therapy this will involve deciding upon which drug to introduce, which drug to withdraw, and which drug to retain. In this study the percent of recurrence of seizure is gradually decreased in range of 33.3%, 26%, and 14.8% for every 6 months. In this study we found that remission (55.5%) had achieved most often due to mono therapy because mono-therapy is the goal whenever possible. By comparing the remission between two therapies, the result was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The vast majority of patients had remission by mono-therapy treatment Co-operation between the patient, physician & pharmacist results in the best outcome