Pharmacy is continuing to undergo a paradigm shift from a dispensing-focused to a patient care focused profession. With the advances in technology and the increased supply of pharmacy technicians, pharmacists have more time to provide clinical services. Once area in which pharmacists have seized the opportunity to become involved in patient care is diseased management and utilizing their knowledge in work such as prescription monitoring to intimate the doctors if anything wrong happen related to the prescription. Prescription monitoring programs have also raised the general awareness of the problem of diversion and the illicit use of pharmaceuticals. Increased awareness of health care providers and the public can lead to reductions in drug diversion and abuse. The goal of our study is based on the collection of 100 prescriptions from the central region of Meerut city after collecting the prescription we arranged it. The basic purpose was behind collecting the prescription was to evaluate three important things in the prescription which includes: detecting the poly pharmacy, determination of possible drug interaction, determination of medication error. Among the 100 prescriptions 54 poly pharmacies, 2 medication errors and 2 drug interactions were identified. The goals of prescription monitoring programs are varied and diverse, spanning education, prevention and law enforcement. An overriding common goal of such programs is to uphold the laws of the states which encompass both the promotion of access to appropriate medical and pharmaceutical care by the states’ citizens and the deterrence of pharmaceutical drug diversion.